Dismantled update 3.0.5


Dismantled is a survival horror game inspired by the old Resident evil games, The Suffering games and by old B-movies... If you like survival-horror and puzzles you'll probably love it!

[b]WARNING:[/b] Update will corrupt save files i can't do anything to prevent it, if you don't want to lose your saves don't update the game yet. To continue playing with your current saves go in the game files and start the game from there. Pressing DismantledLauncher.exe will start the game without updating it and you will keep your saves. Changelog Dismantled v3.0.5: FIXED: -Fake wall in map09 (the blue lights church area) have been removed, it was not intended. CHANGED: -June's sprites' have been updated. -Map04 dialogues have been updated. REMOVED: -Crystal skull as been removed from the main game. -Can't grab the wooden cube anymore. ADDED: -Clue to help for the basement numbers puzzle. -More ammo final boss area.