Update 3.0.3


Dismantled is a survival horror game inspired by the old Resident evil games, The Suffering games and by old B-movies... If you like survival-horror and puzzles you'll probably love it!

Hello! I got reports for minor problems here and there so here's a changelog for the update on both Dismantled and Bittersweet misery: Changelog Bittersweet Misery V 1.0.6 FIXED: -Missing texture in Christmas secret zone. -One sole sector in the tunnels was brighter than the rest of the map. CHANGED: -When you reached a secret area a text appears saying ''You have discovered a secret!'' which have been changed to ''You have uncovered a secret!''. -Big Changes to the EASY difficulty only (Algophobia), enemies deal less damages, and also have less health. Changelog Dismantled V 3.0.3 FIXED: -If you had 2 bombs with you when reaching the church you would never been able to use them to destroy the wall... Which was game breaking problem. -Ladder in the secret cave next to the Reject boss was not giving invulnerability to player during the ladder animation. -Automap was showing text saying ''Marks cleared'' when player was pressing ''D'' while automap was open. -If Reject boss didn't saw you right away when the bars go down, he would stay frozen forever.. -Some scripts errors in 2nd floor secret zone. CHANGED: -When you reached a secret area a text appears saying ''You have discovered a secret!'' which have been changed to ''You have uncovered a secret!''. -Big Changes to the EASY difficulty only (Algophobia), enemies deal less damages, and also have less health.