DevLog #2: Early Customers and their Trucks

Motel Simulator

An abandoned motel across from the gas station. Renovate and furnish it, rent rooms and expand. Pick your patrons wisely - just handing them their room key and getting their cash is just where the adventure with your guests starts…

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41993818/8f8f92516d43220965b329a4e4452ae9bc17cc26.jpg[/img] In Motel Simulator you will encounter a huge amount of guests and customers of many types with different expectations, spending habits and general attitude, but there is one group that stands out and will be of special significance to you: truckers. Getting your motel up and running won’t happen overnight. It takes time and a lot of money. And that money needs to be earned somehow. One of the ways is to focus on infrastructure that is of importance to truckers. Instead of investing all your money on rooms, it might be smarter to invest into things trackers want, first. The thing with truckers is: a motel room is not always a priority. More often than not, they are more interested in space to park on and to sleep in their truck. So while rooms are not a primary consideration here, everything else is. While the truckers can spend the night in the bunk of their massive trucks, they still need quite a bit of infrastructure. Toilets, showers, hearty meals and at some point even entertainment sprint immediately to mind. Those will be the things drawing them to your motel early on, way before any other type of guests will take a real interest in your business. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41993818/666c759d4309edf02bcc68fedafb0433ac74ef26.jpg[/img] This in turn means trucks and their drivers will play a special role in Motel Simulator and allow you a different approach early on when it comes to how to set up and expand your motel. There will be other avenues you can pursue, but figured out we start with this one first as it’s quite interesting. If you will own [url=]Gas Station Simulator[/url] as well and have a higher level gas station built up, things will even get more interesting. Since Motel Simulator, [url=]Road Diner Simulator[/url] and Gas Station Simulator work together despite being separate games, a decent gas station will be considered a large bonus for truckers in their decision making when it comes to spending the night at your place. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41993818/fdc6c206390aa50418f47202b0acb2c8e2b04a52.jpg[/img] Basically, if you set things up right, you won’t have to worry much about getting customers, just take care of building the things they need. And even that might become a bit easier if you also played Road Diner Simulator and have a decent diner set up there. You could skip on a lot of the early food services early, because a lot of the truckers and traveling sales men will be just fine eating there allowing you to shift your focus early on even more.