Bonuses & Penalties

Motel Simulator

An abandoned motel across from the gas station. Renovate and furnish it, rent rooms and expand. Pick your patrons wisely - just handing them their room key and getting their cash is just where the adventure with your guests starts…

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41993818/236588feb0b351c7849b1ca37f3f50212f9efee9.jpg[/img] There is a very interesting DevLog regarding the Gas Station Universe that takes a look at bonuses and penalties that will apply across all games and how they will influence your motel: It even goes so far as stealing stuff at the gas station making visitors not feel that safe anymore and lowering their chance to staying at your motel. As a general rule, our design guidelines for bonuses and penalties are to follow the 3:1 rule, meaning for every 3 bonuses we implement 1 penalty. As these systems and their influence across Motel Simulator, Road Diner and Gas Station Simulator continue to grow, we will make some of them optional. Especially with the introduction of penalties we decided that is the way to go. Now click on the link above and read more about. And when you are done reading about what the future holds, have a look at the present: we released 2 updates for the Airstrip DLC and another hotfix yesterday so go and check that out: