[b]I'm excited to announce that the first playtest of Tailside: Cozy Cafe Sim features is now out on Steam[/b] 🦊🧡
The first playtest let's you experience the feel of Tailside and showcases a small part of the gameplay in just a few minutes.
Please note that the playtest version cannot be saved, may include bugs, unfinished features, and is created solely for feedback and bug-fixing purposes. It may not accurately reflect the final game version. Get your coffee ready, and try it out yourself.
☕️ [b]The playtest includes:[/b]
[*] Inside café area
[*] Coffee making
[*] Introduction of the first characters
[*] Café decoration options
[*] Tiny customers
[*] 10 levels
[*] 20 minutes of gameplay
[*] Plenty of hints for further updates
You can request access directly through [url=https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/landing/3119490]Tailside's Steam page[/url]
Besides the playtest, there were quite a few bug fixes done, as well as a few new features that have been added and will be improved upon even further.
☕️ [b]New NPC: Leila[/b]
She's a local bakery shop owner who's been excited to see the cafe brought to life again!
☕️ [b] Dialogue portraits [/b]
Characters will now have their own dialogue portraits when speaking.
☕️ [b]Basic customer system[/b]
Finally, some tiny customers will start heading your way. While their behavior is pretty basic right now, this will be improved upon during next month.
🛠️ [b]Other edits & fixes:[/b]
[*] Updated UI elements
[*] Added sounds to coffee brewing items
[*] Removed ability to select coffee cups while there is a coffee in progress to not dismiss the current progress accidentally
[*] Fixed UI scaling issues
[*] Fixed dialogues being skippable when the player is supposed to choose an answer to progress through dialogues
[*] Added custom cursor design
[*] Fixed the order confirm button sometimes disappearing when the coffee is still on the counter
[*] Added instructional buttons
[*] Added interactions with the cafe using mouse and not only keyboard
[*] Added title names to decor items
[*] Fixed the game being interactive while in the pause menu
[*] Fixed the layering between the player, plants, and tables when the plants are on the table
🌻 [b]Coming next:[/b]
[*] Partial settings for better accessibility and adjustments for your own experience
[*] Mini tutorials & notes for better guidance through the game
[*] Improved customer system
[*] Improved build/decor system
[*] New minigame: Drawing latte art
[b]If you would like to be part of the development journey,[/b] you can vote on various ideas on:
[url=https://discord.com/invite/3Q9WJ2V7bA]Discord[/url] | [url=https://x.com/CoffeeBeansDev]Twitter[/url] | [url=https://www.instagram.com/coffeebeansdev/]Instagram[/url] | [url=https://forms.gle/56vRkPBoaJ1Vshuh7]Leave your own suggestions[/url]
[i]Thank you so much for the support[/i] [b]- Coffee Beans Dev[/b]