DEVELOPMENT NEWS #2: Anniversary Orchestra

Project Wingman

Project Wingman is a flight action game that lets you take the seat of advanced fighter jets and become a true ace. Fight in various missions and gamemodes ranging from intense aerial dogfights to large scale ground assault in an alternate scorched earth setting.

Hello again everyone! It's here! This orchestra, performed by The London Pops Orchestra in the world renowned AIR Studios. Jose Pavli, has once again taken the lead in remastering and orchestrating this selection of Project Wingman's soundtrack, and it couldn't have been possible without your support and love. [previewyoutube=ra0Hb-IL1-4;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you enjoy the show, and please look forward to the future of Project Wingman this year. We are working on a few things and can't wait to show you what we have in store in a future update. Individual tracks will be uploaded on Jose Pavli's [url=]YouTube[/url] channel, [url=]Spotify[/url] page, and a free download on Steam at a future date. However, you can download the tracks from [url=]Bandcamp[/url] today at no cost! If you don't have the game's [url=]Soundtrack [/url]yet. It is now on discount for 50% off starting today for 1 week! Thank you everyone. This would not have been possible without your support. After so long of exclusively digital presence of Project Wingman. Seeing parts of the game performed live is quite an emotional sight. We hope it meets your expectations. Cheers, -RB