Dev Log 3 - Elemental Damage and Synergies

Fur and Fables

Dive into Fur & Fables, a party based bullet heaven roguelike! Assemble a party of adventurers, level up, and recruit new friends along the way. Experiment with party composition and synergies to fit your playstyle to save Fabletown from the endless hordes of monsters!

[h1]Welcome back, fellow heroes, [/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/f1ff36bfea94a9d8b198d20d94d9ce2963da0846.jpg[/img] It’s been a while since we talked and shared what we are working on. So, let’s catch up! In today’s dev log, we’re excited to dive into our newly added feature elemental damage, share our thoughts, and work on progress regarding the highly anticipated feature party synergies - a feature I know many of you are eager for. Without any further ado, let's jump in. [h2]Elemental damage[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/5327391c135838012b363b364b043262bd874de7.gif[/img] [b]The new version of Fur and Fables adds elemental damage to the game. There are currently three types of damage:[/b] [list] [*] Cold: Enemies hit by cold damage are frozen in place temporarily (bosses and mini-bosses are slowed instead of stopped). [*] Lightning: Chain lightning arcs from the enemy that was hit to a number of other enemies in range. [*] Poison: Enemies suffer additional damage for a few seconds after being hit. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/b27eeb24d1b9e49d24fae60852ce2e2ed6f7b89d.gif[/img] You can give your characters an elemental damage buff by picking up an Upgrade Anvil in the game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/8f3f5710be05d213f7b330965a67aac075bf0331.gif[/img] Each character can only have one damage type at a time, but the damage type resets after each stage, so you can try different combinations and test which element goes well with each character. For example, Cold damage is especially useful on the Barbarian and Fighter, as they can both prevent enemies from getting too close. Poison damage can be significant for characters with long-ranged attacks, such as the Wizard, as enemies will suffer the maximum damage over time before they get to the party. Lightning damage works well with high-damage characters like the Rogue, making her precise but small crossbow bolt into an area-clearing machine. But all elemental damage types can be helpful for all characters, so try them out and find what works best for you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/880681e4cfc894b908769dec21d510c2cd12b6ce.gif[/img] You can also create some synergies, like freezing an enemy and then poisoning it, ensuring the poison will have its full effect. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/284c370ddbd97a84eeb9d3ad9fac9fe344507cec.gif[/img] Speaking of synergies… [h2]Party Synergies[/h2] The next big feature we’re working on is party synergies. We wanted to create a system that encourages players to experiment with different party combinations and that would add more depth and discovery to the game. The idea is that when certain character combinations are together in the party, you’ll get a unique effect that helps the entire party and is more than just another passive buff to some stats. Instead, you might get a shield that revolves around the whole party, a flail dragged behind you and damages enemies, or an aura of healing… All based on the composition of your party. This feature is still early in development and will take some time before it's ready for players to get their paws on it (and some things will probably change along the way). But if you want more updates on when the Synergies will be added and all of the most recent news about the game, make sure to wishlist Fur and Fables and join our Discord server! [url=] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44911871/646709e55aca39446db99c112cabc9aa96cf4367.png[/img] [/url] Until next time - Happy hunting! [i][b]~Double Crow Games[/b][/i]