[h3]Rookie, it's time you got to know the team.[/h3]
We sat down with our Character Portrait Artist and asked the hard-hitting questions. Read on to find out about their creative career, their challenges, and what makes them tick.
[h3]Q&A with Portrait Artist, Arthur Henri.[/h3]
[b]When did you know that you wanted to pursue a creative career? [/b]
I've always liked drawing manga characters since I was a teenager and I also played a bit with 3dMax when I was 14 out of curiosity but nothing serious. So I already knew I wanted to work with something creative after high school.
[b]Did you study art at university or college? Or are you self-taught?[/b]
As there were no good specific courses for drawing or 3D areas here in Belo Horizonte, I ended up choosing to study graphic design in college and maybe focus on illustration. During the course I took some separate classes related to animation, industrial design and fashion drawing (Croquis), that's when I was introduced to Photoshop and digital drawing. The classes were very weak in terms of depth of content, so I started researching and studying outside, using YouTube and some workshops that I bought on Gumroad. While I was still in college I made some digital portraits of my friends and teachers and I ended up growing my [url=https://www.instagram.com/arthurhenri.art/]Instagram[/url]. I decided to drop out of college because I was already receiving many requests for my work globally and decided to focus more as an independent portrait artist.
[b]Describe what your career has been like so far?[/b]
I've had ups and downs in my career, but today I'm at a blessed point so to speak, where I can't even fulfil all the portrait orders I receive. However, as I see my career as still growing, I'm moving into other areas like concept design and character design, and I hope to be recognized in these areas as well.
[b]What challenges have you faced as a game artist?[/b]
Working in the gaming area is really cool, especially because I'm a gamer, but it can be very difficult sometimes and the biggest challenge is delivering exactly what investors and publishers have in mind. I've done some work for Ubisoft in the past and unfortunately, the projects were terminated. Sometimes you work on a project that won't even be released or that stops midway and that's really frustrating.
[b]What types of games do you like to play in your free time?[/b]
To be honest I play triple-A games most of my free time. Fighting games, fps, MMO/RPGs, such as Street Fighter 6, Valorant, Dragon's Dogma...etc. But I also play some indie games if they appeal to me. So I really hope to play The Precinct at launch, because it reminds me a little of the GTA2 that I played a long time ago. But in The Precinct we have the chance to play as police officers, which seems like an interesting perspective.
[b]What has it been like so far working on The Precinct?[/b]
Working on The Precinct has been great and it's incredible to be part of this project, the guys Joe and Lewis are very attentive and I learned a lot from them. I just have to say thank you and I really hope to play this game.
[h3]Q&A with Art Director, Lewis Boadle[/h3]
[b]What direction did you want to go down when creating the character art for The Precinct?[/b]
We wanted a representation of the characters that was a nod to our influences (movies, TV shows, even graphic novels), but remained grounded and somewhat realistic. We scoured the internet to find someone who was available, could work fast, and could work in a consistent style, one that would complement the environment art.
[b]Why did you choose this direction?[/b]
Our in-game art style is fairly grounded and realistic, and the character art should work in tandem with this, whilst not trying to be photo-realistic. A great example of this is the character illustrations on the GTA loading screens. We were aiming for something similar, but our own ‘take’ on it.
[b]Have you always had a clear idea of what each character was going to look like? Or has it changed and shifted over time?[/b]
Like many aspects of this game, that has evolved over time, and there has been a certain level of iteration as the script has been written and the voice-overs recorded. Sometimes we have a sprite that we give to the actor, and say ‘What would their voice be’, and sometimes it’s the other way around; we ask Arthur to render the character in a way that suits the voice and story characterisation. Kelly (your partner) is a good example of this: in his first rendering, he was a bit tougher and meaner looking, but as the story progressed, and the character was fleshed out, he became much more of a sympathetic character, with a laid-back attitude. We asked Arthur to take another swing at the portrait, and loved the result!
[b]After working for so long on the project, are there any characters that you are particularly excited to see brought to life? [/b]
Nick and Kelly, are the two main ones that we were keen to see realised (Nick features heavily in the key art, so it’s great to see him looking so good - both heroic, but also a little vulnerable!), but it’s also great to see some of the strong, independent women in the story come to life, both cops and baddies! There are also some terrific gang members to be enjoyed too! “Razor” in particular is [i]chefs kiss[/i]!
[h3] Got a burning question that you want answered? Comment down below!
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