Dev Diary #7 | New buildings, car, climbing, and more…


ExeKiller is a retro futuristic western game with a storyline set in a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline. It is a first-person, action-adventure shooter with a character progression system and varied story choices.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/1bba20f06acb6552f8e6df6a39d33d735937f509.png[/img] [h1]Howdy, Partners![/h1] [b]Welcome in 2024[/b]! Just twelve months left until we step into the release year of ExeKiller... Time flies when you're knee-deep in game development, right? Recently, we welcomed a bunch of new members to the Paradark team, confidently progressing toward the direction we've set. Even though there is still a long way to go, we're eager to share with you the progress we’ve made over the last couple of weeks! [h2]New buildings [/h2] Alright, let's chat about those new buildings we've been working on! So, remember how our Discord crew voted for the City Ruins biome? [b]Well, it's happening[/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/0f04049adc512951e23aed7b950dd4e3aca40697.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/c8c5b6c39f1810327349e310938e48b469d4b9ed.png[/img] [h2]Car WIP [/h2] Shifting gears to the wheels and rides. We've been getting down and dirty with textures and fine-tuning the car model. We could talk your ear off about all the little tweaks and details, but let's cut to the chase: you gotta see it to believe it. We're all ears for your thoughts on this! [b]Your feedback is priceless[/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/1311c1d9c080be7d87b7ef3716ae54964cc85a57.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/1484e708ce81bd4559f995b3954fc47a560d3907.png[/img] [h2]Climb, climb, climb… [/h2] Lately we've been pouring a lot of energy into [b]crafting climbing mechanics[/b], and we're thrilled to show you what we’ve come up with. [previewyoutube=JYATZXxMsR8;full]Ladder Video[/previewyoutube] Just a heads-up, this isn't the end game yet, so [b]expect a few tweaks down the road[/b]. Still, even at this point, we're thrilled to know how you like it! [h2]Social milestones[/h2] And hey, let's give ourselves a pat on the back for some big wins on the social scene! We've crossed the 500-member milestone on our Discord server (how cool is that?!), and our Twitter is skyrocketing with over [b]3100 followers[/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/89a9ab4919a2b681d0dc851a840a113280ab5e76.png[/img] Huge shoutout to everyone who's been spreading the love and joined our community. [h2]Music for your ears![/h2] While we don't have any new concept art today, we've got something special for you on YouTube – the latest track that will be featured in the game. Consider this the first taste of what's to come! Grab your headphones and [b]vibe with us[/b]. [previewyoutube=gaiP4Dl4niA;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Thank you! [/h2] Before we wrap things up, we just wanted to say a huge thanks for diving into our dev diary and for all the amazing support you've given us. Honestly, [b]it means the world to us[/b]! Feel free to join our Discord server ([b][url=]JUST CLICK HERE[/url][/b]) for more direct interaction, and don't forget to follow us on social media for regular updates: 📍 [url=]Facebook[/url] 📍 [url=]Twitter[/url] 📍 [url=]Instagram[/url] [i]Cheers, Paradark Studio[/i]