Dev Diary #4 | Fashion, animations and more…


ExeKiller is a retro futuristic western game with a storyline set in a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline. It is a first-person, action-adventure shooter with a character progression system and varied story choices.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/69e1fc9a310c8363a9a5af4d50f053489c035158.png[/img] [h1]Howdy, partners![/h1] Long time no hear, huh? It's high time to change that! As a token of our appreciation for sticking with us and [b]continuously fueling our progress on Exekiller[/b], we want to keep you in the loop about our progress at least once a month! So, even though this is the fourth Dev Diary, [b]consider it a sort of a fresh start[/b]! The first of many that will gradually bring us closer to the big day in 2025, when our game will finally debut. Let's [b]kick off right from the beginning[/b]! Here's what has been happening with us lately! [h2]Fashion always matters![/h2] First of all, we are constantly working on fashion. In the past few weeks [b]we've been heavily focused on clothing items and essentials[/b] within the post-apocalyptic world. [b]Take a look at the leather coat[/b] that some of the outlaws will wear. It seems to resonate perfectly with their demeanor and brings a unique aura to their look. It's likely that foes will have second thoughts before venturing into their path, agreed? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/f3c154925ada791ce8dd5c0901d33d3a78bf61ab.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/4ffcf4b3d5da1428d9584565926ea27d085b59ea.png[/img] And if the presentation alone doesn't convince them, we're more than willing to treat them to something stronger! As luck would have it, we've recently been working on a [b]3D model of a grenade[/b] - a truly explosive toy. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/c9738748669e140dfacd45095d8eed7c1e40850e.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/682dedc4503381d8c9122731d7b828dc7e885b7b.png[/img] [h2]Moreover…[/h2] Certainly, visuals matter, but [b]what would game graphics be without proper animations[/b]? In the past few weeks, we've also dedicated our efforts to this aspect, focusing heavily on grenade animations. [previewyoutube=F_UGSODiRsg;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]That’s not all! [/h2] Did you make it this far? Know that we greatly appreciate it! As a reward, we have a little surprise in the form of a Staten Island concept art. [b]As you can see, it's very atmospheric[/b]. And even though you'll often [b]encounter many dangers there[/b], we're striving to make the exploration itself a unique experience! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079555/af30e883ee5d9ccb249995e2dac21dbaa500c744.png[/img] [h2]In the end...[/h2] As you can see, a lot is happening! And while the road to the release is undoubtedly long, we're continuously working on implementing various features, big and small, to [b]bring Exekiller closer to perfection[/b]. If you want to actively [b]participate in the game's creation[/b], we encourage you to join our Discord. That's where information surfaces first, and you can have direct conversations with us. Don’t hesitate - [url=]click here[/url] and join now! See you soon Paradark Studio [b]Follow us:[/b] 📍 [url=]Facebook[/url] 📍 [url=]Twitter[/url] 📍 [url=]Instagram[/url]