Dev Diary #2 - Steam Launch on November 29th!

In Nightmare

In Nightmare is a narrative-driven horror adventure game combining sneak action with diverse puzzles. It follows a young boy in search for the last hope of love who is working out his own salvation by navigating through his fear.

Hello again In Nightmare fans, In Nightmare releases on Steam next week on November 29th, and we are so excited for you all to try the game! Ahead of the launch, we wanted to share some background of the game's development so you can experience the world of In Nightmare at it's deepest level. Check out the images and backstory below! [h2][b][u]Concept Art[/u][/b][/h2] [h3]Fog Nightmare Concept Design[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/b07f6f05b2f4aa9587a12111ce629c14343824dc.png[/img] [h3]Cruel Nightmare Concept Design[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/7680d60589aaf2a1e7fad7d8cce4bd3b4c5572e6.png[/img] [h2][u][b]Story Design Concepts[/b][/u][/h2] Behind each monster and character is a rich story that helps explain their mannerisms and design. Last week we covered the Dark Nightmare and Fog Nightmare's backstory design concepts. This week we have more story concepts from the Cruel Nightmare, Phantom Nightmares, and Shadows. [quote][b]Cruel Nightmare[/b]: [i]Although Bill's father is relatively loose, he lacks some sense of responsibility due to his artist's character. After remarriage, he lacks concern for Bill. His stepmother dislikes Bill very much. He makes trouble for Bill everywhere in life and wants to drive Bill out of his father's home. The beautiful stepmother with low level only wants to occupy her father and become a new family of three. After having a new child with her father, she treats the new child and Bill at home in a world of difference, which makes Bill resent his father and hate his stepmother. Especially the attitude of fear and hatred towards his stepmother made Bill feel violent and rebellious. This factor of instability and violence turned into a cruel nightmare - the appearance of a dead prisoner in the Middle Ages. The head was covered with an iron cage full of sharp thorns, holding a rusty sickle and iron sword, and attacked everything crazily.[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Phantom Nightmares and Shadows[/b]: [i]After remarriage, my mother married a powerful dignitary. Although my mother loved Bill very much, my stepfather's family did not like Bill very much. Although my stepfather was a celebrity in the society, he was a very vicious and selfish person in private. He hated Bill and did not allow his mother to have any private dealings with Bill. Bill was driven out of the house by his father and came to see his mother, but his stepfather turned him away coldly. Bill was bullied and laughed at by everyone in his life. Only his mother's attitude towards Bill lit up Bill's heart like a beacon in the dark. However, as a weak woman, the mother was still unable to fight against the power of her stepfather's family and fight for Bill's proper living space. Bill's heart depended on his mother like straws, but he was also hopeless because of his mother's weakness. When Bill was 12 years old, he wanted to meet his mother, but his mother died because of an accident. Bill mistook the wrong information that day for his own mistake. The only person Bill cared about in his heart was his mother. The death of his mother made Bill feel extremely self reproach and self abandonment. Bill mistakenly believed that his mother was killed by him, and in despair, he blamed his mother's death on her weakness. This great blow began to put Bill on the verge of collapse, which often led to hallucinations. Then he came out with visions, nightmares and his shadows - an evil dead tree and many tree people. They can create all kinds of illusions that confuse people's minds, and drag people into the abyss of death in the illusion.[/i][/quote] [h2][b][u]Launch images[/u][/b][/h2] We also have more screenshots from development of the Steam version of the game below so you can get a sneak peek at what's to come! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/50be507c6da2c3d1e5174620ee5e13bde9388b79.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/418c89a1358ff6b1eafa9824dbd94310fbc04e9d.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/b5b1cbbd6f4273f40e0d670a719ba426e7f05f47.png[/img] Thank you for reading this far! We are excited to share more with you leading up to the Steam launch of In Nightmare on [b]November 29th[/b]. Make sure to check back next week for the next dev diary and celebration of the game launch! You can also follow Maximum Games on [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url], and [url=]Facebook[/url] to be the first to know when we share an announcement or news.