Dev Diary #1 (Concept Art, Backstories, and more!)

In Nightmare

In Nightmare is a narrative-driven horror adventure game combining sneak action with diverse puzzles. It follows a young boy in search for the last hope of love who is working out his own salvation by navigating through his fear.

Hello In Nightmare fans! We want to take this opportunity to welcome all those that have played In Nightmare or are looking forward to the upcoming Steam release to try the game for the first time. It has been a long an exciting development process, and the game has come a long way, so we'd like to show off a behind the scenes look in creating In Nightmare. [h2][b][u]Concept Art[/u][/b][/h2] [h3]Bill Concept Design[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/412270d3cf9e672739c16090290652ddc61e3ec1.png[/img] [h3]Dark Nightmare Concept Design[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/b4f3977ae72454013686e787e6d530e52961585f.png[/img] [h2][u][b]Story Design Concepts[/b][/u][/h2] While building the game, our team went through many iterations of Bill's backstory and the origins of the monsters that plague this nightmare. Here are two of the story design concepts they came up with: [quote][b]Dark Nightmare[/b]: [i]When Bill was 9 years old, his parents had a split marriage due to their personality problems. His parents quarreled every day, swearing and even beating each other. It made Bill nervous all day long in his childhood, and his character began to become timid, self-conscious and unwilling to communicate with others. Every time his parents quarreled, his mother would intentionally or unintentionally take advantage of some small things to throw her anger at Bill. At that time, Bill could not figure out the reason why his parents quarreled. He always thought that he had done something wrong to make his mother angry, so he had the idea of inferiority and self blame. He thought that his own fault caused the discord between his parents. The combination of the always angry mother and this self reproach turned into a dark nightmare - the classical court ladies of the 19th century dressed in elegant court dresses. The long hair reaches to the ground. The hair is messy and fluffy, twisted like ghost claws. There is a big mouth like a gaping woman, and the overall feeling is deep and depressing. They are very sensitive to sound, always accompanied by darkness when they appear, and are very disgusted with light.[/i][/quote] [quote][b]Fog Nightmare[/b]: [i]Bill's parents divorced when he was 10 years old and transferred to a school. The school teachers are very traditional and not high quality. When I saw Bill's broken family, I naturally thought that Bill might be a bad boy and would drag his class behind, so I didn't like Bill very much. The students in the class soon realized the teacher's dislike of Bill. Without the care and protection of parents and teachers, all kinds of bad students in the school began to bully Bill. Bill was often scolded and chased by his classmates for trifles, even deliberately framed. The people in the school were very unfriendly to Bill, which was caused by the teacher's betrayal of himself, which led to Bill's weariness. Bill's weakness was caused by the broken family support. He dared not resist in front of others. He could only curse the bully secretly, and imagined that all teachers and students were monsters in his own world. These monsters wear the butler appearance of the classical costume of the 19th century. They look clumsy and strange, and they are full of strange strength. There are a lot of eyes on my body, which can see all over my body and spy on all the secrets.[/i][/quote] [h2][b][u]Launch images[/u][/b][/h2] We also have a few screenshots from development of the Steam version of the game below so you can get a sneak peek at what's to come! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/814837d5794dfb2d94bc91b3e236591f82a3acdc.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/a41cfc3d55c9f17dc61948e111feaf1ce762a8bd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42749073/6e6992ccb066d5ea86adcfae5fc48f74e80ec70b.png[/img] Thank you for reading this far! We are excited to share more with you leading up to the Steam launch of In Nightmare on [b]November 29th[/b]. Make sure to come back here next week when we show off more concept art, backstories, and other details of the game's development. You can also follow Maximum Games on [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url], and [url=]Facebook[/url] to be the first to know when we share an announcement or news.