Detached: Non-VR Edition is now available

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Detached, a suspenseful interstellar duel that demands tactics and skill to survive, is now available in a non-VR version! Separated from your unit, you must make smart decisions and race to safety in this visceral exploration of deep space.

[h1][b]Enter Space Without VR[/b][/h1] [img][/img] Have you ever wondered what NASA’s requirements are for becoming an astronaut? They’re simple really. You need to have a bachelor’s degree in biology, physics, or math. Three years of experience in the field, or at least 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command time in a jet aircraft. Oh, and excellent vision, obviously. Now, we’re pretty sure neither the first or the second would be a problem for you, but this eagle eye thing… thaaat might be a tiny bit of a problem. Too many night hours spent playing video games had to take its toll on you eventually, eh? [img][/img] But don’t give up on your dreams just because your eyesight’s not as sharp as it used to be. Simply grab your copy of [b]Detached[/b], because now the game can be played without VR goggles! [h1][b]Cross-Platform PvP battles[/b][/h1] [img][/img] [b]Detached[/b] in the non-VR version contains a full single player campaign, thanks to which you will try to survive in an extremely difficult environment - a cosmic abyss where each of your movements must be countered. Master the possibilities of your suit and explore the abandoned space station. From now on you can also fight in the PvP cross-platform mode, thanks to which you will fight with players who have not only the non-VR version, but also the version on [i]Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PS VR[/i]. You are not sure if it is worth starting the battle in two multipurpose modes? Take advantage of the free demo that allows you to test both single player mode and fun in the Package Extraction mode. So... let's have so fun in space! :) If you want to learn more about Detached game, visit the game website or follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Feel free to contact us! [url=]Website[/url] [url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url]