Detached at PAX West in Seattle

Detached: Non-VR Edition

Detached, a suspenseful interstellar duel that demands tactics and skill to survive, is now available in a non-VR version! Separated from your unit, you must make smart decisions and race to safety in this visceral exploration of deep space.

After an amazing event in Cologne, Germany, it's time to go overseas! We invite all players to meet in Seattle! We will be present at [b]PAX West[/b] at the Indie Games Polska Foundation booth ([i]Level 6, stand 6608[/i]). We're counting on you! On our booth you will have an opportunity to meet Detached dev team and play together in one of two [b]Detached[/b] multiplayer modes. Prove that you have the makings of being a real astronaut. Are you curious what our next VR games is? Join us and see for yourself! [h1][b]Detached at PAX West[/b][/h1] [img][/img]