Demo Update Note #3

Land Above Sea Below

Land Above Sea Below is an atmospheric building strategy and puzzle game where you have to build your island from tiles in order to raise its height as much as possible, to avoid it getting flooded by the constantly rising sea level.

[b]Hello everyone, we can't be grateful enough for all the feedback we receive from you. One of them, perhaps the most important, was how we could make even better use of the rotating of the tiles. With this update, amongst others, we deliver mixed tiles to you, where it really matters, how you rotate them.[/b] [h2]New tile type - mixed environment[/h2] [list] [*] The same rules apply to this tile as to the others, but it will consist different base tiles, thus it will be important, how You rotate it before laying it down [*] The mixed tile is generated from the already unlocked tile types [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42157699/cffe0b53b6977c74de9bb10552e64650be7b1c0e.png[/img] [h2]Game Balance[/h2] [list] [*] New tile types are unlocked earlier [*] The unlockable tile types are based on how many seasons you played, not on the number of the already placed tiles [/list] [h2]Tiles[/h2] [list] [*] We have changed the colors of the tiles so that the mixed tiles can be matched easily [/list] [h2]Season cap[/h2] [list] [*] The duration of the demo is now depending on the seasons that you have played, instead of the tiles that you have placed [/list] [i]The update contains some performance and minor bug fixes too.[/i] [i][b]Make sure that you try out these new features, and leave your comments and thoughts! We are looking forward to meeting you at our Discord server as well![/b][/i]