Demo Update 2

Monster Quest

You are a powerful wizard, hurl elemental spells at your foes in this turn-based, semi deck-building RPG rogue-like!

​Demo Update 2: 21/05/2024 [img][/img] [b]Patchnotes:[/b] [olist] [*] Clicking exit on the battlescreen take you to dungeon select [*] Sound effect added for when items poof away in the chest scene [*] Iventory opens and closes to show the item being added [*] Medium dungeon should now unlock properly [*] Level 1 mushroom HP reduced from 3 to 2 [*] The pool of items you can receive from the mystic is adjusted depending on dungeon difficulty [*] Low level encounters appearing in level 3 dungeons fixed [*] Monsters should no longer appear for a split-second prior to the door appearing [*] The max number of each item you can hold is now fixed at 9 [*] Using the crystal ball now has a sound effect [/olist]