Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive major update out now

Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive

Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive is the fourth wargame in the Decisive Campaign series. Covering the battles in the Ardennes between December 1944 and January 1945, it brings to life Operational wargaming by lowering the scale to just above tactical level.

[b]A new Decisive Campaigns: Ardennes Offensive update (v. 1.06.00) has been released. [/b] It comes with a lot of small fixes and quality of life improvements, but its main highlights are: [list] [*] New content: brand new November 1944 Puffendorf scenario  [*] AI improvenments [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41924608/ca461fc6754bd4b74d05cba5dd0a1fb6a210c86b.jpg[/img] [b]Here's the full changelist for DC:AO 1.06.00:[/b] [i]v1.06.00 – 13th July 2023[/i] [list] [*] Added an exciting November 1944 Puffendorf scenario! [*] Updated US officers library to v24. [*] Fixed cards for US General Grow [*] Minor fixes on the campaign scenarios: [olist] [*] Revised Strategic bases [*] Fixed 33rd and 34th British Armored Brigade deployment [/olist] [*] Updated Weather Library version to v11. (not yet used in any scenario, but now available for future usage) You can now enableFullTemperatureSpread which enables the new algorithm to determine random temperatures. This new algorithm will pick semi-correct values for all months of the year, also summer. Also added TemperatureOffset and RainOffset that allow you to offset the random temperature values and random weather changes. [*] Fixed a big issue that had the human player sharing AI movement bonuses. [*] Added line drawing support to the Map Editor [*] Improved the AI (combat odds calculation in general much improved => less “suicidal” attacks, better artillery usage (less shuffling around, more fire-ing), better night combat odds calculation, bit more focus on actually occupying VPs) [/list]