Debug Magazine's Award for Accessibility

The Forest Cathedral

The Forest Cathedral is a first-person environmental thriller set on a remote island. Playing as scientist Rachel Carson, players will slowly uncover the effects of DDT by using advanced environmental technology to solve 2D/3D connected puzzles in this dramatic reimagining of Silent Spring.

I am absolutely ecstatic that The Forest Cathedral has been nominated for [url=]Debug Magazine's[/url] accessibility award. It was something I had in mind from the beginning of development, but I truly want to highlight [url=]Britt Dye's[/url] work and dedication at [url=]Whitethorn Games[/url] for making this happen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37156664/c75095e4335bbaa916bd764c64ce19e3b56a7c74.png[/img] You can tune into the show on Twitch on February 2nd! [previewyoutube=iiUUtOd4TXo;full][/previewyoutube]