Accessibility Features in The Forest Cathedral

The Forest Cathedral

The Forest Cathedral is a first-person environmental thriller set on a remote island. Playing as scientist Rachel Carson, players will slowly uncover the effects of DDT by using advanced environmental technology to solve 2D/3D connected puzzles in this dramatic reimagining of Silent Spring.

We teamed up with Game Developer to bring you an accessibility feature deep dive for [i]The Forest Cathedral[/i] - [url=]Accessibility Deep-Dive[/url] [b]A video summary can be viewed here[/b] [previewyoutube=iiUUtOd4TXo;full][/previewyoutube] [b]List of accessibility features[/b] The Forest Cathedral contains two types of gameplay: a 3D visual novel (referred to as 3D) and a 2D platformer (referred to as 2D). Settings can be adjusted for different areas of the game. [b]General Settings and Saving[/b] [list] [*]Settings and Pause menu accessible at all times during gameplay [/list] [b]Gameplay Difficulty[/b] [list] [*] 2D Difficulty options are able to be turned on and off at will through the Settings menu. It does not require a new save or restart to implement them. [*] 2D - Option to Turn Off Spikes which removes all deadly spikes [*] 2D - Option to toggle on Float Mode which reduces the speed at which the 2D character will fall [*] 2D - Checkpoints during platformer happen at regular intervals, allowing players to restart from a checkpoint if they die. [/list] [b]Input and Button Presses[/b] [list] [*] PC - Has mouse and keyboard and full gamepad controller support [*] Rebinding is supported for most actions [*] Button map available at any time in the Settings menu for default keybinds [*] Player key rebinds will be reflected in button map [*] 3D - Camera sensitivity adjustable [*] 3D - Can invert camera controls vertically (y-axis) [*] 2D - Character is moveable using thumbstick or D-pad [/list] [b]Haptics[/b] [list] [*] No haptics [/list] [b]Tutorials[/b] [list] [*] Gameplay Mechanics onboarding for both 3D and 2D gameplay takes place in a separate tutorial zone with checks, buttons prompts, and text [/list] [b]Audio Accessibility[/b] [list] [*] Max volume adjustable [/list] [b]Text and Reading[/b] [list] [*] UI text and menu text are written in a high-contrast bold typeface by default [*] Subtitles and journal text are written in high contrast and sans-serif typeface by default [*] Option to change all in-game text to OpenDyslexic, a sans-serif typeface [/list] [b]On-Screen Movement and Visual Effects[/b] [list] [*] Option to replace flashing static screen on terminals with a black screen [*] No motion blur [/list] [b]Heads-up Display[/b] [list] [*] Key bind prompts viewable on-screen when needed for progression [*] Player key rebinds will be reflected in button prompts [/list] Thanks for reading and stay tuned for our early 2023 release!