In collaboration with Corpse Party scenario writer Makoto Kedouin, this horror RPG follows Mai Toyama’s search for her sister in a quiet lakeside town. She’ll unravel clues to the town’s past by day, and battle Shadow Matter by night. Can you uncover the truth before reality is consumed by darkness?
[h3]Hello everyone, sorry for missing an announcement last week! We have a couple of things to share now though.
Firstly, we just want to give a reminder that [b]the game is releasing on August 18th![/b]
We are just two weeks out now! :)[/h3]
[h2]Additionally, we would like say that the Death end re;Quest 2 Limited Edition is available for Pre-Order now on [url=]Iffy's Online Store[/url]![/h2]
[h3]Additionally, we have put up the coming soon pages for the DLCs, you can get easy links to them from the [url=]Death end re;Quest 2 Store Page![/url][/h3]
[h3]That is all for the updates! We will post again at the end of the week with more screenshots! Don't for get to add Death end re;Quest 2 to your wish list![/h3]