In collaboration with Corpse Party scenario writer Makoto Kedouin, this horror RPG follows Mai Toyama’s search for her sister in a quiet lakeside town. She’ll unravel clues to the town’s past by day, and battle Shadow Matter by night. Can you uncover the truth before reality is consumed by darkness?
[h3]Hello everyone! As we approach the launch of Death end re;Quest 2, we will continue to post while trying to out different things. This is the first post of in-game screenshots![/h3]
[h3]For this first screenshot post, we wanted to mix a little bit of the old with a little bit of the new. Below you will find a snippet of a scene with Shina & Mai![/h3]
[h3]Additionally, we wanted to show the three new main playable characters along side each other. As such, here is a screenshot showing Rottie, Mai, & Liliana all together![/h3]
[h3]Stay tuned for more posts! Don't forget to add Death end re;Quest 2 to your wish list![/h3]