Darkout Patch 1.2.8 is out with a few minor tweaks and fixes to the game!


Crashed and alone on a world mankind tried to leave behind, Darkout challenges players to survive on Illuna, in harsh, procedurally generated biomes, utilizing the game’s sandbox features to build shelters, craft weapons, and research new technologies.You are not alone.

Thanks to everyone's continued support of Darkout we are able to bring you patch 1.2.8! Enjoy! Crafting and Research - Fixed so new Copper Ore and Iron Ore from Dirt blueprints gets added for old players. - Fixed to make sure empty fuel can gets returned when using fuel in crafting or research. - Part selection popup is now only used for color selection. - When Color Selection Menu is open, the Item Tooltip window will not show. Elevator - Fixed some issues where you fall through the elevator. - Fixed bug where you sometimes get stuck in jump animation when you land on the elevator. Elevator rails - Fixed rails to be correct design size, can now be placed in 3 blocks wide shaft. NOTE - Currently placed rails can still be used without a problem but you will not be able to extend the track as the rails will not align. If you do not want to pickup and place rails again, you can always build a transfer station and place another elevator on the new rail. Journal - - changed elevator size. - fixed some spelling errors (coppper > copper, pannel > panel). General - Fixed problem with recycling placeable items. - Added missing description for new Magnesium recipe. - Fixed open & close button for info window not staying with the window when you have a wide screen resolution. - Fixed bug where units left on an item was reset to max when moving with Shift+click. Keybinds - You no longer have to remove a key-bind before you can assign it to another action. The old bind will now be cleared automatically, but if it was on a first bind, you will have to assign another key bind to the action, before you can leave the menu.