Daedalic ShowTime: Blackguards 2 ( 2/12/15 - 8:00pm on Twitch)

Blackguards 2

Blackguards 2 is a turn-based strategy-RPG and will deliver challenging hexfield battles and a gritty story filled with violence and crime. - Includes bonus content: Soundtrack, digital Art Book and Strategy Guide Book!

Dear Aventuria-Travellers and Shark-Throne-Hunters, we’ve got an awesome new Twitch channel now for Daedalic Entertianment and our first stream will be all about Blackguards 2, so better be a part of it! [b]Where to find us: [/b] http://www.twitch.tv/DaedalicEntertainment [b]What are we going to show? [/b] Adamant Fight Guard Feature Tips & Tricks [b]When will we start?[/b] 02/12/2015 8:00 pm CET [b]Who’s part of stream?[/b] Blackguards 2 John – Producer Blackguards 2 Stef – Community Manager Any last whishes what YOU want us to show tomorrow? Best, Your Team Daedalic [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10842304_957456070932867_7402536258976705970_o.jpg[/img]