Cyborg Pals: Satellite Reign Launches Co-op Mode

Satellite Reign

Satellite Reign is a real-time, class-based strategy game, set in an open-world cyberpunk city. You command a group of 4 agents through rain-soaked, neon-lit streets, where the law is the will of mega-corporations.

A syndicate of one is no syndicate at all. It’s a small business at best. Something you run on the kitchen table. An Etsy store, maybe. No, if you want to be a syndicate – a megacorp – you really need cool killer cyborg pals. So huzzah! After a stretch in open beta, the Syndicate-inspired tactical cybersquad action of Satellite Reign [official site] is launching its four-player co-op. Four isn’t quite enough to be a syndicate but it’s perhaps enough to consider hiring a small office in an arcology.

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