Cyberdrifter 0.6 WIP Update


Enter Cyberspace armed with your gravity blaster & data disc to eradicate an electronic virus in a virtual world!

The [b]0.6 WIP build[/b] is now available as [b]default[/b] as this is the build I'm looking for feedback on and is the direction the game is heading towards completion. Currently this build contains the tutorial and first complete level with boss fight utilising the new "Grav Beam" gun mechanic. It also has updated visuals, sfx, enemies, gameplay and more accessibility options. [b][u]The previous 0.5 build that contains all 5 levels is still available[/u][/b] in the Beta branch which can be accessed by right clicking on Cyberdrifter in your Steam library, clicking on properties, then click Beta tab and then select [b]beta build1 - 0.5 build - 5 levels[/b]. Development on the new infiltration level that will replace the current 2nd level is close to completion and will be released in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience and support.