Crystal Project Update: Version 1.6.2

Crystal Project

Crystal Project is a non-linear JRPG where you are the maker of your own adventure. Explore the world while you find Crystals, unlock classes, learn abilities, and create a strategy capable of taking down the world's toughest bosses. Or just stick to exploring; it's up to you.

[h3]New modding features:[/h3] [list][*]Added new Stat Mod: RemoveStatusOnApply. Removes the specified status before the containing status is applied. [*]Added new Ability Mod: CopyAllStatusCategoryToSelf. Works like CopyAllStatusToSelf but filters for a specific status category. [*]The "Battle Disabled" ability property has been implemented and now properly disables the ability while in battle. [*]The monster action message box now accepts multiline input.[/list] [h3]New localization features:[/h3] [list][*]Added "Mod Text Replacements" tab to Vocab Model. This feature can be used to localize mods. Text in any mod which matches the "Original" column text will be replaced with the associated "Localized" column text. [*]Added "Always New Line At Max Width" to Vocab Model Fonts tab. When enabled, new lines will always be inserted at a line's maximum width, even if there are no spaces nor other line breaks in the text.[/list] [h3]Modding bug fixes:[/h3] [list][*]While selecting an ability in battle, the MP cost is now shown for abilities that normally don't have an MP cost but were given one via Flat AbilityMPCost. [*]Fixed error opening Ability Grid when there exists a null job entry.[/list]