Crafting Cards


Liberté is a deck-builder roguelite inspired by the French Revolution and body horror. Brave the war-torn streets as Rene - a regular Parisian entangled in a civil war caused by a cryptic invader from another dimension, Lady Bliss. Collect cards, nurture alliances, and try to stay alive!

[h1]Revolutionists! 🔥[/h1] Welcome to the second part of the Dev Diary dedicated to Cards in Liberte. In the previous article, we explained how deckbuilding is integrated into the gameplay and what types of cards are available when building your deck and preparing for a fight. If you missed it, you can read it here 👇 This time we’d like to tell you more about crafting cards – how to get materials and expand your library to make more intricate decks and make your attempts even more satisfying. Let’s dive right into it, shall we? 😊 To craft a card, you’ll need [b]Crafting Materials[/b] and [b]Blueprints[/b]. [h2]Crafting Materials [/h2] There are a couple of ways to gain Crafting Materials. You can get some from defeated enemies; find them as you explore the streets of Paris or while in the Endless Bliss. Additionally, you can obtain rare Materials from Bosses or earn them through a reward system when you get a certain amount of Influence Points within each Faction 😉 There is Red Ochre, Rose Petals, and Flawless Rubies, organized by rarity from the easiest to the hardest to lay your hands on. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/91d931d72e61391a02cf117bc8283b228190ba2d.jpg[/img] [h2]Blueprints [/h2] Each time you win an encounter, you’ve got a chance to find a Blueprint of a new card you don’t own yet. You can also unlock some of the Blueprints through the rewards system when you reach certain Influence Levels within several Factions. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/8ab924203866a9bfdbfa4ef960f21c63280aec16.png[/img] Similarly, you can unlock [b]Carte Blanche[/b], which will give you a random Blueprint of a card you don’t have from a set you choose. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/33129328fc800a38d4684b5c48b77ff117a8e135.jpg[/img] With this info, we've completed the Card introduction 🎉 Is there a topic or a mechanic in Liberte that needs a bit of explanation? Let us know! As always, follow us on Twitter and Facebook and join our Discord server 🔥 [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/d9be87df2cb245267bde06bcd88c94b04771463c.jpg[/img][/url] SuperStatic Team