Looking back and sharing some good memories


Liberté is a deck-builder roguelite inspired by the French Revolution and body horror. Brave the war-torn streets as Rene - a regular Parisian entangled in a civil war caused by a cryptic invader from another dimension, Lady Bliss. Collect cards, nurture alliances, and try to stay alive!

[h1]Dear Revolutionists![/h1] Liberté has been out for a bit of a month now. It's an insane feeling to look back at years of work and see the game it's become. We published our backstory way back when, but since we get asked about the behind-the-scenes stories from Liberté's development, here are some more fun facts we didn't share in our previous posts. 😉 The most fun times were usually going for a whole weekend, renting a house or apartment, and just [b]spending hours brainstorming[/b]. We would have the entire place "redesigned" with post-its where the whole timeline was supposed to emerge. And to get inspired, we played games - obviously. 😉 One huge influence was Diablo III, and the gameplay mechanics that were drawing players deeper into the storyline. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/4bc514521506dc6dc4a73f0bfb0e2523f07c62d9.png[/img] These long sessions were very fruitful, because they allowed us to [b]mix ideas and explore how the characters could interact with each other[/b]. Some of the first drafts of the game's beginning said that the player was supposed to sneak into Paris and kill Prince Phillip, running side by side with Ana among the streets, and Lady Bliss' appearance was supposed to stop that from happening! In other versions of the story, the player wasn't supposed to be Lady Bliss' henchman at all - instead, the idea was to play four different characters and stick to just one faction in the entire story. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/a54f4e7d3395582f0edc0777284df41ff51545c7.jpg[/img] Truth be told, a lot of time - aside from actual development - went into building [b]a believable world only inspired by real events[/b]. We've written down documents about the systems of beliefs in both The Congregation and The Tribe, and it was like building an entire religion from scratch. What begins as a free-solo type of only creative work becomes gradually more structured because these two religions became consistent and full of rituals, their own heroes, and stories. One day we might even release them - perhaps as comic books or art books? Who knows! (If you're up for that, let us know in the comments! 😉) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/996f20b2052f67b589a134588eca1a96907b7e70.jpg[/img] We put a lot of time and effort into pouring our love into Liberté. It would mean the world to us if you could leave a review if you haven't already. Reviews are helpful to both developers and other players in the Steam community. They can boost the game's visibility on the platform so that more people may have a chance to discover Liberté. To leave a review: 1. Visit Liberté's store page on Steam. 2. Scroll down until you see the review box. 3. Write a review. Share your thoughts on the game - what you liked, what could be improved, and any memorable moments you experienced. [b]Thank you so much for your continuous support! [/b] You can find us on [url=https://twitter.com/LiberteGame]Twitter[/url] and Discord. Feel free to tag us and share your best moments in Liberté! [url=https://discord.gg/kUaGqc6fjd][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40312711/d9be87df2cb245267bde06bcd88c94b04771463c.jpg[/img][/url] Until next time, SuperStatic Team