"Couples Therapy" Is coming to Vampire Therapist + Free Content Update

Vampire Therapist

Guide vampires through centuries of emotional baggage, decades of delusions and the odd bout of self-loathing with real cognitive behavioral therapy concepts and become a Vampire Therapist! Even vampires need a shoulder to cry on when a neck to bite just won’t do.

[h1]Two new clients with lots of problems[/h1] What if "till death do us part" meant [i]forever[/i]? Find out in Vampire Therapist: Couple Therapy DLC, coming soon to Steam! [previewyoutube=xjVPzVaSWVI;full][/previewyoutube] You'll get the chance to handle two clients at the same time in a story of revolutions, relationships, and leaving filthy glasses of blood overnight in the sink. [h1]Free Content Update[/h1] You don't have to wait for new content, because the second free content update in our series exploring the history of 3000-year-old vampire Andromachos is out today! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44838963/64aca4d220a2d6185fcf96fff55b466502477fe0.png[/img] In "Spanish Nights", discover what happens when an ancient vampire when he visits Spain in 1492. Hint: there's a lot of blood involved. [h1]Baby vampire's first discount[/h1] For the first time, Vampire Therapist has been discounted! You can now experience the journey of self-compassion at a lower price, meaning it's a great gift for that person in your life who thinks they're too good for therapy. [h1]Award Nominations[/h1] Vampire Therapist has been nominated for the [url=https://indiex.online]2024 Indie X Awards[/url] and the [url=https://deutscherentwicklerpreis.de/deutscher-entwicklerpreis-nominiert-die-besten-games-2024/]2024 German Developer Awards[/url]! We couldn't get here without your support. That's all! We can't wait to share more with you, dear children of the night.