Welcome to BattleBlock Theater! You’ve got no where to go but up...on stage. Play single player or co-op to free your friends and save Hatty Hattington! Jump, solve and battle your way through a mysterious theater inhabited by highly technological felines.
It's time to choose your summer attire, sire, because BattleBlock Theater is 70% off thanks to the Steam Summer Sale, now through July 11th! Say hello to our favorite Hattington for me?
[h2]BattleBlock Theater - 70% Off[/h2]
But wait, there's more! The Behemoth's entire game collection is on sale to celebrate the warm Summer months! Check 'em out, or don't — the choice is up to you. And your wallet, really.
[h3]Alien Hominid Invasion - 20% Off[/h3]
[h3]Alien Hominid HD - 20% Off [/h3]
[h3]Castle Crashers - 90% Off[/h3]
[h3]Pit People - 60% Off[/h3]