The first intense conflict of the Cold War, this war is very often forgotten, its very rapid and dynamic but unknown aspect obliterated by months of stagnation following the first year of operations in Korea. Can you make it remembered?
The bug that sometimes created a group of planes to disappear has been solved.
Thanks to long and fruitful exchanges with Chinese and Korean players, we have been able to get access to more historical data and we have included it in the game, along with some game balance elements. The following is coming this the update
[b]More Events[/b]
Added new events to cover for the 1952 Olympics, the US Presidential Election of 1952, Soviet Weapons deliveries to China, War Weariness, Ace Pilots, the Volunteers Railway Corps, James Van Fleet in command.
[b]More Cards[/b]
[*] Added extra cards for the Communist side: Night Attack, Ace Pilot, More Migs*, More Soviet SMGs*, Southern Guerrillas, Former Independence Figthers.
[*] On the UN side: Flares, Former Korean soldiers of the IJA, Lack of snow Equipment, Operation Ratkiller. Committing the 1st Armored division*.
[*][i](those cards with * are coming as options, costing extra VPs) [/i]
A review of the combat values of many units was made:
[*] Many Chinese divisions of the PVA have increased morale and combat values to reflect their strength, experience and elite status.
[*] All Chinese divisions also now have an upgraded version (when they get equipped with more Soviet weapons). Also the Migs are now upgrading some more Communist air units.
[*] The US troops have a better defensive factor (to reflect their more widespread use of automatic weapons). Extra South Korean infantry divisions, bataillons and police units added.
More parameters were added to the IA during the campaigns to take more into account the necessity to “plug” holes in the frontlines. Also added some events to help the IA rebuilt depleted units and reconstructed key units.
Added for all of the above. Chinese and Korean still needs extra proofreading.