Korean War - May Update

SGS Korean War

The first intense conflict of the Cold War, this war is very often forgotten, its very rapid and dynamic but unknown aspect obliterated by months of stagnation following the first year of operations in Korea. Can you make it remembered?

Thanks to some dedicated players reports, some improvements and fixes have been brought to the game. [b]FIXES[/b] [list] [*] The North Korean town of Unsan, which is inland was incorrectly designed as a port. It is now an airport. [*] The US 8th Army heavy artillery assets never entered play in the Grand Campaign scenario. Now arriving on Turn 10 in a controlled port. [*] The naval units have now their types and NATO symbols. [*] Naval mine warfare was not working properly as the light ships were not able to shoot at mines (and vice versa). The DD units can now fire at mines (and reciprocally) in the battle. [/list] [b]ADDITION[/b] [list] [*] A card called Minesweeping has been added to the United Nations player deck. It will remove an enemy naval mine. [/list]