Community Sharing is Here: Upload, Publish, and Share your assets and templates

👋Hey awesome creators! We've been hard at work improving mtion studio, and boy do we have some exciting updates for you! Grab your virtual hammers and paintbrushes, because it's time to build like never before! [h2]⛪All New Template Browser[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43554994/933afa7259058fdbde9b7c196804d121707ede9d.jpg[/img] Introducing the all-new Template Browser! Organize, edit, and manage your creations with ease. You can now also convert your clubhouses to templates, and share them with the community with a simple click of the publish button. Anyone can access published templates in the community tab to easily mod, remix and customize to make them your own! [h2]🎨All New Asset Browser[/h2] Asset Brower 2.0 is here! New UI, better management and organization, and smoother performance. [b]1️⃣[u]Asset Management, Sharing, Publishing, and Ownership Transfer System[/u][/b] You can now organize your assets in your asset library, categorize them and easily share or transfer ownership to others. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43554994/a7c58f194dbb9a9b8f4a3c33db6aa8b1463fe855.png[/img] [b]2️⃣[u]Browse Assets Published By Others[/u][/b] You can now also browse assets made by community members in the community tab. Find something you like? Simply add it to your library with a click of a button! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43554994/37b58b81cc2e154bcae1bcd5b2facb6d8d24a3f3.gif[/img] [b]3️⃣[u]New Asset Drag and Drop[/u][/b] New Drag and Drop asset flow directly in your clubhouse editor, so you can quickly find the asset you want and place them where you want in the clubhouse simply by dragging them onto a surface! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43554994/02baf4ac7e7d7dc23b359cbb380b969caf6740ad.gif[/img] [h2]✨Brand New Creator Dashboard[/h2] We improved the creator dashboard UI to make it more intuitive. We added some most common used buttons at the top, so you can quickly find the action you need. We also added a new beginner friendly basic onboarding tutorial. Check it out! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43554994/a83e1a918b0cfe81dbed0d6e26b8427caffa0c38.jpg[/img] [h2]🎯Other Improvements[/h2] [b][u]Performance Boosts[/u][/b] [list] [*] Improved loading times across the board. Spend less time waiting, more time creating! [*] Optimization of asset and media uploads. Sharing your work is now smoother than ever! [/list] [b][u]New Metrics System[/u][/b] [list] [*] Added download metrics for assets. See how popular your creations are becoming! [*] New sorting options including downloads and creation date. [/list] [h2]🐛Bug Squashing Expedition (Exhaustive List)[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed issue with asset ID migration failure during import [*] Resolved "Failed to get config file" error on migration [*] Fixed crash when multiple calls to PopulateAssetBrowserElements occurred [*] Corrected asset browser repopulate row context cases crash [*] Addressed issue where user preference settings were not saving properly [*] Fixed templates not appearing on dashboard during application startup [*] Resolved bug where asset and CH browser cards' context menu button didn't work properly [*] Fixed issue where both assets and media weren't being uploaded when adding them [*] Corrected bug where no assets showed up in the asset browser in a fresh installation [*] Resolved issue with copy metadata when cloning clubhouse model [*] Fixed bug where asset import showed the loading screen and threw user errors [*] Addressed production asset migration issues [*] Fixed GLTF and GLB importer errors [*] Resolved index out of range errors in various scenarios [*] Fixed lightmap and fog data loading issues [*] Corrected SDK export functionality [*] Addressed object reference migrations [*] Fixed lost scene references [*] Resolved lightmap switching for fog settings [*] Corrected selection behavior for asset management views [*] Fixed issue if migrations returned null [*] Resolved compiler flag for SDK dev server [*] Fixed tooltip on user card [*] Addressed UI, tooltips, and various minor fixes [*] Corrected issue with downgrading errors to warnings [*] Fixed default user flag removal bug [*] Resolved issue with asset icons collapsing [*] Addressed bug where restarting motion caused dashboard to blank [*] Fixed clubhouse import bug in build [*] Resolved issue with asset transfer URI [*] Corrected null reference exceptions in multiple areas [*] Fixed refresh bugs in asset browser [*] Addressed thumbnail generation issues [*] Resolved parsing issues for folders and file imports [*] Fixed bugs related to archiving and deleting assets [*] Addressed issues with the blueprint edit panel and actions [*] Corrected problems with the announcement banner [*] Fixed various UI elements including buttons, icons, and layouts [*] Resolved issues with asset metrics and download functionality [*] Addressed multiple clubhouse-related bugs including loading and syncing [*] Fixed various import and export issues for assets and blueprints [/list] Thank you for being part of the mtion community! you creativity inspires us every day, and we can't wait to see what you will create with this new update! 🎉 Happy creating, - mtion team