West Hunt is a 1-8 player social deduction game set in the Old West! Among the hardworking townsfolk hides an Outlaw or two causing mischief and mayhem across town. Luckily, there are eagle-eyed Sheriffs ready to sniff them out! No matter what role you play, you're sure to have a hog-killin' time!
Time is an illusion but a speed run isn’t. Spring towards your destiny as the fastest in the West by submitting your quickest speed runs as the Sheriff to the Videos section of the West Hunt Steam forum! Who among you can pick up on the Outlaw the fastest? We want to see who's worthy enough to call themselves a true sharpshooter.
[h3]Submission Rules:[/h3]
[*] Submit a video of your fastest run catching the outlaw to the Videos section of the West Hunt Steam Forums
[*] Must include the following tag in the title of the submission to be considered [b]#FastestInTheWest[/b]
[*] Must include time of fastest run in the description of the video
[*] One entry per user
[*] Once winners are announced they have 30 days to respond to the [b]ww_cm[/b] account to receive their keys
[h3]How to Upload a Video to Steam Community:[/h3]
[*] Videos must be uploaded to [b]YouTube[/b] before you'll be able to submit them to the Steam community. YouTube videos must be set to public and embedding must be enabled.
[*] Adding a video to the Steam community can be done by clicking the "Videos" link on the right side of your Steam profile.
[*] If your Steam account is not yet linked to YouTube, you'll need to click the "Link to YouTube" button at the top of the page.
[*] On the next page select the "Access your YouTube videos" button. You'll then be prompted to enter your YouTube account credentials and to authorize Steam.
[*] Once you're done linking your YouTube account with Steam, return to the videos page on your Steam profile and select the "Add videos from YouTube" button near the top. Clicking on this button will give a page which looks like the following:
[*] Find the video you want to share and click on the checkbox to the left of the thumbnail under the "Select Video(s) to add" section. Once you have a video selected choose the game you want to associate it with by using the drop-down list. If you're adding a non-Steam game video, you can type the name of the game into the text box beneath the drop-down instead.
[*] When you're ready, click on "Add Video".
[*] Near the top of the page you'll receive confirmation letting you know the video was added.
[*] If you click on the "Videos" button on your Steam profile it will now display the video you just added. The video will also appear in the community hub for the selected game.
[*] A feature on our next announcement post and a shout out on Social Media
[*] The 3 fastest Sheriffs will receive 3 Steam keys for them and their friends
We will close submissions off 11am on March 18th and announce the winners that same day!
We’re excited to see which ones of you will be the fastest in the West! So keep an extra eye out, all you Outlaws out there. The West is about to get a whole lot more deadly.
- The West Hunt Community Team