
Emergency Exit

Communicate, cooperate and reach the emergency exit before time runs out! In this thrilling game, explore a dangerous escape plan and solve complex puzzles while your teammate, from the control room, manages the environment and guides you without even seeing you.

[h1]Hi folks![/h1] First of all, thank you for the intention brought to Emergency Exit and for taking the time to read me. This is an exciting project for me, a project that I am carrying out with my partner and into which I have been putting all my energy for almost two months. I might as well warn you, I will regularly write here to give you news and precisely... Bam! First news: a demo will be available, if all goes well, mid-September The demo is almost ready actually, but I would like to improve it a little more before releasing it, so that you have the best possible experience. I would also like, at the same time, to update the trailer. The one visible today (and which you will also find on YouTube) dates from two weeks ago now. The visuals have changed slightly since then and I'd like to show you some cool things. [previewyoutube=W1CyQpajxBc;full][/previewyoutube] Finally, don't hesitate to follow me on social networks and in the meantime...well, all we have to do is finish developing the game I guess, so here we go! :)