Comment - Developer

Hi my Friends, Thank you for your [b]suggestions[/b] and [b]positive/negative reviews[/b]. I will fix the tail issue and what you've mentioned, yet. You could read, [b]I'm alone[/b], so I can't see every "strange thing" in the game in every situation. I have to pay attention very much details under development, so sorry if you experience it, I promise, I fix it. [b]About my game concept[/b]: As I wrote, the chapter one is [b]initiative chapter[/b]. When I dreamed this game, I wanted to create that kind of situation, what would be if you would be in this place (Lands Of Peace) in real, you arrive, you don't get everything instantly, and I wanted to simulate a real trip effect. There will be more happenings in the next chapters, but you have to understand, the game has to builds step by step. It's not an action game, or survival game. If you want play that kind of games, you can find many of course. [b]Lands of Peace's messages[/b]: [b]Slow down after your job/school, relax, play some, experience a sci-fi world with characters and enjoy the art.[/b] Stay healthy!:) Bests, Steve