Hi my friends,
I'm making [b]Chapter 2[/b]. [u]I've found a good dialogue writer[/u], who helps me to write dialogues, so I can work more on development,graphics, animations. Not little job, you know, but I like doing it. It's always good challenge to create what is my mind and what will be the final results.
As I promise, I will put more happening in Chapter 2. [u]You will get much less "trip simulator", and I'm going to put more quests and sexual interaction, too.[/u] I try to do my best, what I can do alone.
You can [b]support me[/b], if you like and believe in my job:
(my goal is to employ some workmates to help me in this project)
If you have [u]any wish or suggestion[/u] for [u]user-friendlier experience[/u], please write me on Discord or Patreon!
I will share a gameplay picture about Chapter 2 in the days!;)
I hope you wait it, stay with me!:)
Stay healthy!