Commander '85 - Updates #1 and #2

Commander '85

13 May 1985: Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! Mum gave me the best present ever! a Commander 85 – a super modern computer with real artificial intelligence! It’s very smart, and I can talk to it and play games on it. I can’t wait till the other boys see it!

The first two updates are here! We have fixed the most common issues, and improved the title. We hope that these changes will improve your experience, and allow you to enjoy the game even more! [b]New content:[/b] [olist] [*] An optional hint system was added. You can find it attached with a duct tape to the Commander's monitor. Inside you will find a bunch of hints, and guidelines, as well as a full list of phone numbers available in the game. And if you believe that the game should be hard, and don't want any help - simply put the sheet inside a drawer, or place it anywhere in your surroundings, where it won't bother you! [/olist] [b]Bug fixes:[/b] [olist] [*] Control issues have been fixed. [*] Achievements unlocking with a delay issue has been fixed. [*] Issues with mini-games have been fixed (this includes an issue with a platformer mini-game not opening correctly in some rare cases). [/olist] If you encounter a different bug, or an issue you believe should be fixed, please drop me an e-mail (, and I will update the game as soon as possible.