Commander '85 - Release

Commander '85

13 May 1985: Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! Mum gave me the best present ever! a Commander 85 – a super modern computer with real artificial intelligence! It’s very smart, and I can talk to it and play games on it. I can’t wait till the other boys see it!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33265723/9dfed3412683828db96834ddd6b7f27c68a11abc.png[/img] We are very grateful for your support and commitment to the Commander '85 project! It took a while, but today - September 30, 2020, Commander '85 is released for PC and Xbox! Unfortunately, the PlayStation and Nintendo Switch versions will arrive at a later date! As soon as we will know the release dates - we will inform you immediately! PC (Steam): Xbox: