CLeM won the Most Socially Impactful Game Award at SAGA 2024


CLeM is a narrative-driven puzzle adventure game with a dark twist. Wake up in a world where puzzles intertwine with exploration, weaving a unique narrative rooted in alchemy. A voice awakens you. It gives you purpose. To guide you, you find a notebook with mysterious entries and a house to explore.

Hey! We are here to share some more good news with you all. A few days ago it took place an event to celebrate video games that feature Catalan localisation, SAGA 2024. CLeM was nominated in three different categories: [b]Best Narrative, Best Visuals and Most Socially Impactful Game[/b]. Being nominated thrice on the same event is huge, but even bigger is that [b]CLeM won the Most Socially Impactful Game award[/b]! We are really happy that our work keeps getting acknowledged all around the world and, especially, at Catalonia, where we are from. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42079719/d18b50d57801e530315fb4e65e7747e87f13a808.jpg[/img] PS: Can you see the trophy? We promise Mariona is holding it, but it is black and she's dressed in black too, so... Nevermind. Take care! :)