Check out our new game!

Black The Fall

After decades of toil, an old machinist plots his escape from Communism, through manipulation and scheming. Along the road, he befriends the most unlikely creature, an abandoned robot. Could they solve the puzzles and flee this bleak world together?

[img][/img] [h1]Freedom is control. And bread is pain. What?[/h1] Comrades, an important message from the Central Committee: the creators of Black: The Fall have released a new capitalist product, namely their new game, [h1][b][url=] BOSSGARD[/url][/b][/h1] We are informed that Bossgard empowers working class gamers to live their power fantasy of playing the Boss. Yes, we have confirmation that Bossgard allows you to control evil, giant bosses in asymmetrical 1v5 multiplayer hack & slash action! Players are allowed to play as true icons of hard physical labor such as giant jackhammers and plungers, fighting bands of unruly, colorful Vikings. In Bossgard no-one hungers, as the great Olaf of Bread rules the land with an iron fist, although opposed by Jamaican and Japanese Vikings. Does this make sense? Here’s the short version: [h1]Bossgard, Sand Sailor Studio’s latest project, has just been released![/h1] Big Bad PLAYER-Controlled Bosses go against a cast of colorful, angry Vikings in online and local multiplayer battles, with up to 6 players. [h1]Key Features[/h1] Unique Playable Bosses with distinct mechanics Each Boss looks, plays and feels completely different. What would you rather be? A cyclopean slice of toast? Maybe a giant evil plunger? Online and Local Multiplayer with up to 6 players! We hope you brought company because Bossgard is best played on a crowded couch or over noisy online multiplayer sessions! You're the Boss. Your rules! Modify the number of players and change the default hero settings to get all sorts of crazy battles. They might range from a couple of minutes 1 vs 1 brawl of hell to a 6 hours epic raid-like bossfight. Couch Versus Couch support You and your friends can play locally against or with online players! Streamer friendly! Are you a streamer? Great! Bossgard comes with built-in stream-specific mechanics! Let your followers join the battle, allowing them to deal damage, aid or even drop in minions to fight for whomever the audience dictates! Team synergy The Vikings' abilities are designed to work together. Shield that healer long enough till the whole team is brought back for one last final assault against the Boss. Vikings from all around the world These warriors hail not just from the North, but from everywhere else as well! Canadian, Jamaican, British and Japanese Vikings are just some of the warriors building up an already bright and colorful roster. Do check out our new project [h1][b][url=] HERE [/url][/b][/h1] and make sure to bring a friend! Bossgard is a game meant to be enjoyed in groups of angry Vikings!