Chapter 5 update schedule information

Acretia - Guardians of Lian

Two worlds merged. A feud that lasted for hundreds of years. The flame of destruction slowly pulsates in the gap. Join your legion on a great journey to cut the chains of hatred and save the world from the primordial darkness.

hello. I am a developer. I wrote this because I needed to inform you about the Chapter 5 update. Chapter 5 was planned to be updated in late December. In order to stick to the planned schedule, I am currently working until 2 am every day. However, there is a lot of work than expected, so it seems difficult to update according to the current schedule. Chapter 5 will be available in an update on December 30, 2022, if everything works out quickly. But if not, Chapter 5 will be updated between January 5th and 6th, 2023. (All dates are based on Korean time.) I just apologize for not being able to deliver good news. I hope you are at peace in the chilly winter, and I hope you have a happy day. thank you