Changelog & Notes for Early Access Update 0.16

Project Demigod

Project Demigod is the ultimate superhero simulator. Stage physics-driven comic book battles in a limitless sandbox. Toss cars into ninjas with super strength, swing through cityscapes or master tactile melee weapons. You decide what type of hero to be. Who will you become?

Hello Demigods! Early Access Update 0.16 is now live! Thanks for your patience everyone! This isn't a big content update, but a ton of work has been put in to lay groundwork for the next few updates, fix bugs, rewrite older code, improve performance, research some new ways of improving the game, etc. The new memory system hasn't been implemented just yet. There were some more underlying issues with the game engine I'm using that I believe have been fixed, but it took weeks just to find an answer. I'll be trying to get this system out next. Here's the list of what's changed: Major Changes: - Added (Basic) Zombie Enemy Type - Added Zombie Mode version of Pedestrian System - Updated Pedestrian System with several bug fixes, animations, and logic. - Traffic System Update - Upgraded Webline Creation ability to work with held objects. - Updated Strength Power Set to be more stable under heavy loads (vehicles) - Strengthened Laser Vision Damage and Pushback - Improved Webline Strength Pedestrian System: - Fixed bugs (and models) where pedestrians would disappear after being ragdoll'd. - Fixed bugs where pedestrians would play wrong animations for their movement. - Navigation system has been updated so that pedestrians stay on sidewalks. - Pedestrians now react to (most) attacks on other nearby pedestrians by ducking or running away. - More small updates coming soon, including new character models, performance updates, and more reactions. Traffic System: - Vehicles have been updated so that they should now very rarely tip over when turning too fast and should crash a lot less. - Vehicles' mass has been increased to higher levels for better, more accurate physics. - Semi Truck has been temporarily removed, as it was causing the majority of the traffic jams. It will be added back in once I fix the issue. - Traffic System Performance: As it turns out, the vehicle system I've been using for Project Demigod is harder on performance than I originally thought. It has been much improved with this update, but I'm working on another system change that should drastically reduce the lag caused by all traffic. New Player Options: Don't like pedestrians crowding your city? Tired of traffic eating up your headset's performance? No problem! A new option is now available in your Player Menu called "City Controls", where you can: - Disable either system entirely (this really helps performance) - Tweak the max amount of vehicles/people that can be active at a time. - Turn off the pedestrian's physics, so you still get the feeling of the city being more alive without the cost of ragdolls anytime they get hit! Millennium City - Updates: The city may look a little different now, and it will continue to change over time. Some buildings have been replaced or updated, and the underlying city structure is now much more solid. - Lighting and reflections have been updated. Enemies: - Zombies! - Finally found and fixed the bug that was causing enemy AI to only select certain attack animations. Many enemies should now have "new" attack animations during combat, such as different types of kicks, spins, weapon strikes, etc. Other: - Fixed bug that would set Turning Rotation Speed to 0 when switching out of Super Speed Power Set. - Fixed weird grabbing behavior on the right hand that would create an offset for the grip position. - Fixed bug where laser pointer wouldn't work after closing player menu and then re-opening. - Fixed Taxi and Police Car not being grabbable. - Fixed several small bugs with Pedestrians and ragdoll creation.