Catch a Lover Future and online quiz Dummy!

Catch a Lover

Catch a Lover - a multiplayer game for 2-4 players in which one plays the role of the husband, who needs to catch wife's lover. Lover at the same time, should do everything to find a way out of the house.

[h1]Dear friends![/h1] [i][b]I would like to congratulate everyone on the upcoming Holidays, and also thank you for almost two years of support for our first experience in creating computer games.[/b][/i] [img][/img] For all the months since Catch a Lover was released, we received a lot of feedback, both positive and negative, we gained a lot of experience, and for the money we earned, we acquired several technologies to improve our character animations, as well as create an in-game lobby and sessions. We will certainly introduce all acquired skills and technologies into Catch a Lover in the first quarter of 2019. Here are some screenshots from the updated version of CaL game maps: [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] In the meantime, our skills in creating network games using steam are tested in the first online quiz with integrated workshop called [url=]Dummy![/url] [img][/img] If you are interested in competing with friends and finding out who among you is better at films, TV shows, anime, music, Internet memes - visit our quiz and if you like the idea, support our little team! In addition, to all the real fans of catch a lover, who shot countless clips of the game, supported us, we are ready to give a copy of this game. If you have any questions on any of our games, welcome to our [url=]Discord[/url]