Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles PC & consoles demo is now live!

The Falconeer

Soar through the skies aboard a majestic warbird, explore a stunning oceanic world and engage in epic aerial dogfights, in this BAFTA-nominated air combat game from solo developer, Tomas Sala.

Surveyors! [b]The Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles Demo is now LIVE on PC, Xbox[/b] and soon will be available on PlayStation! You can cast your net far and wide on the mysterious waters of the Great Ursee, as the Demo gives you the best overview and taste of gameplay for the upcoming open-world builder, [b]releasing on the 26th of March[/b]. The demo allows you to capture your favorite moments from the game thanks to added [b]Photo Mode[/b]. You can stop the game, change the camera angle, set a day or night cycle to get atmospheric lighting, or even replay your builds to show off your creations. Watch the [b]Photo Mode trailer[/b]: [previewyoutube=6mdTmf6JhtY;full][/previewyoutube] Since Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles is all about creativity and the stories you can experience and tell, [b]we have a contest for you![/b] We are giving one lucky creator the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be in the game and become a non-playable character, in-game, based on their name and likeness, and become part of the Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles lore forever. [b]We want you to create your own short "mini-film" or photo sequence within Bulwark[/b], using the environment, units, structures, and characters. Show us how creative you are! All entries (one per person) must be [b]submitted via X/Twitter[/b] using the [b]hashtag #MyBulwarkLegacy[/b]. Feel free to [b]tag Wired Productions (@WiredP)[/b] in your posts too, so we can share your art! Play the demo and wishlist the game here: [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/290100/Bulwark_Falconeer_Chronicles/][b]Steam[/b][/url] [url=https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/bulwark-falconeer-chronicles-72b9dd?lang=en-US][b]Epic[/b][/url] [url=https://www.gog.com/en/game/bulwark_falconeer_chronicles][b]GOG[/b][/url] [url=https://www.xbox.com/ro-ro/games/store/bulwark-falconeer-chronicles-demo/9n92qt1m0z33][b]Xbox[/b][/url] [b]PlayStation[/b] - demo and pre-order available soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/290100/Bulwark_Falconeer_Chronicles/ See you soon on the great water!