Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles demo joins Pirates & Ninjas Fest! 🏴‍☠️

The Falconeer

Soar through the skies aboard a majestic warbird, explore a stunning oceanic world and engage in epic aerial dogfights, in this BAFTA-nominated air combat game from solo developer, Tomas Sala.

Ahoy, matey! Ye be wantin’ to know more about the [b]Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles demo that is joinin’ the Pirates & Ninjas Fest on Steam[/b], eh? Well, shiver me timbers, I’ve got some news for ye. 🏴‍☠️ [b]Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles is a game that lets ye build yer own pirate fortress[/b] in a vast and fantastical ocean world. Ye can explore the cliffs and waters, scavenge resources, trade with other factions, and wage war upon yer enemies. Ye can also fly yer own airship or giant warbird and engage in aerial combat with other ships. It’s a game of freedom and expression, where ye can create anything ye can imagine. 🌊 But that’s not all. [b]The demo has been updated with some new features and improvements[/b] that make it even more fun and exciting. Here are some of them: [list][*] A political system that monitors which refugees ye bring into yer settlement and how they affect the balance of factions in yer settlement. [*] A dominant faction that in turn will allow more advanced captains and commanders of that faction to join ye. [*] Enroll aggressive Faction Leaders that unlock even more new building options and vehicles as well as inciting raids and combat encounters. [*] The introduction of new captains and combat captains with their own set of perks. [*] A campaign option to skip the tutorial and dive right into the action (for hardcore players). [*] New random events and encounters (Including Pirate Skullship Captains!). [*] An increased range for buildings to snap, allowing for larger sprawling constructions.[/list] So what are ye waitin’ for? Go ahead and [b]wishlist Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles on Steam now and get ready for launch on March 26th[/b]. Ye’ll get to try out the demo for free and see what adventures await ye in this pirate paradise. Arrr! ⛵ [h3]Play Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles demo & wishlist the game now![/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/290100/Bulwark_Falconeer_Chronicles/