Building Your Retro Romance

Life isn't just about climbing the [url=]Fist of Discomfort 2[/url] rankings, y'know? For those of you looking to heat things up a little, [i][b]Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers[/b][/i] offers plenty of opportunities to develop meaningful relationships with those around you. In fact you can engage in [b]9 different romance paths[/b], involving each of the 6 main characters, and even your rival! Throughout the story, you'll be getting to know the regulars of [url=]Good Clean Fun[/url], the arcade/pizzeria/laundromat and the home of your future team. The place is full of interesting people (and pizza toppings) each with their thoughts, feelings, and favorite playstyles (the people, not the pizza). Fear not as your trusty hand-held helper AI, Iris, is just a click away. Iris automatically tracks the development of your [url=]personality[/url] and whether anyone in the group has taken a particular shine to you. We appreciate that not everyone will want romance to feature so heavily within the story, and some of you may not want it to feature at all! Well, we've got you covered as when starting your adventure you'll be presented with a choice from Iris: [olist] [*] Bring on the love, and turn on full romance options. [*] Take it slow and allow romance to blossom naturally. [*] No romance at all and keep things strictly professional. [/olist] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/fb36c63b2f3664890937a0a769b5e8e6495d2a3d.jpg[/img] [h3]Analyze Your Appeal[/h3] Build up enough favor with someone and it will open up different dialogue choices to help further your growing relationship. Play your cards right and a full-blown retro romance is sure to develop! Iris will keep track of your standings with each of the main 6 characters and present you with a summary at the end of each chapter. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/a089be526ec5e848fa21bfcc3ea78d1616122604.jpg[/img] Each of the romance options offers a unique perspective on various situations that arise during the game. After several key events in the story, Iris will present you with the person(s) your personality gels with the most. From here you'll be able to see which characters a possible romance could blossom with. This is entirely dependent on your interactions with those characters and the dialogue options you've chosen up until this point. [h3]Pay Attention to Your Team[/h3] Building an esports team from the ground up while trying to balance a social life can be tricky. Not everyone will agree on decisions (such as sponsors etc...), and it's up to you to decide whether you should go with what's best for the group, or the individual. Keep a close eye on the bottom left of your screen to pick up on which characters agree with your decisions. This will be indicated by a teammate's personal avatar popping up with a handy chime as Iris takes note of their reaction to your decisions. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/58069de124aac7883a0aacf3a47463c8c1d8f093.jpg[/img] [h3]Date Night![/h3] If you've successfully nurtured a strong relationship with your arcade crush you'll eventually get the opportunity to take them out on a date. Here, you'll be faced with even more options on how you want this relationship to play out, do you go in guns blazing or take it slow? You can also change your mind at any stage if you realise it just wasn't meant to be... :( Hopefully, this has given you a good foundation for understanding and beginning your next retro romance or friendship. Lead a new generation of challengers to esports glory in [i][b]Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers[/b][/i], launching on May 27th 2022! - Fiction Factory Games & PQube Join Arcade Spirits on: [url=] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/3af44e246398185b1945f5d691f32dc99c69b7d4.png[/img][/url]⠀⠀[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/4fd1a51b4428deaadf01da442186b6adde86ec19.png[/img][/url] And PQube Indies on: [u][b]Follow PQube Indies on:[/b][/u] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38458019/d9b4d7479b2b96c89a0b267788b3d009f7147075.png[/img][/url]⠀⠀⠀[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38458019/4fd1a51b4428deaadf01da442186b6adde86ec19.png[/img][/url]⠀⠀⠀[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38458019/8a8f5cbf1b549dd92a2668ff5f008231f1dfbe70.png[/img][/url] ⠀⠀⠀[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40185640/3af44e246398185b1945f5d691f32dc99c69b7d4.png[/img][/url]