Realms of Antiquity: The Shattered Crown

A retro-CRPG for the TI-99/4a home computer, also playable in modern Windows.

[h3]Bugs[/h3] [list] [*]Examining an item on the selling menu no longer resets the cursor to the start. [*]Selling items now resets the cursor to the top, as does switching players. [*]Fixed item examining so it doesn't give away item properties while shopping in a store. [*]Fixed traps causing strange status effects and screen glitches. [*]Fixed the orientation for the lid spike chest trap FX. [*]Explosive rune and acid spray chest traps now have a greater area of effect. [*]You now silently receive the amulet from the Jarl if you turn the signed treaty over to him before going back to consult him. [*]Added a message when picking up the mace Skullcrusher. [*]Removed a blank "press any key" on Tursi's Mantle pick-up. [*]Tweaks to various monster statistics. [/list] [h3]Features[/h3] [list] [*] Changed INI file default to set the stretch mode to 2. This allows full-screen to be set/reset by pressing ALT+ENTER. [/list]