Bug patch: Hopefully fixed a bunch of audio issues 🙏

[h3][b]Hello everyone! The game’s been out for over a week, time really flies! Here’s another bug patch for you all. [/b][/h3] We’re also working on some updates for the game that we hope to share more about with you soon! [h3]Patch Notes: [/h3] [list] 🎁 Added so that you can pick apples 🎁 Bones are back! 🐛💥🦶 Audio bugs stomped!!!! We’ve fixed a bunch of audio bugs related to sound disappearing 💥Fixed issue where player voices could sometimes be muted 💥Fixed issue where player voices could disappear after going into the diving bell 💥Fixed issue where monsters somehow spawned in the house (if you’re playing with someone using mods to spawn them - this may still happen) 💥Fixed issue when joining invites when already in-game 💥Potentially fixed video overlay issue [/list] [b]Thank you all for being patient with us as we’re working on sorting out the bugs! 🙂[/b] Please email support@landfall.se for any questions or if you need help troubleshooting. Make sure to verify the integrity of the game files to make sure you receive the new update. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44957545/cb34432d601a2202767e05e89d7d127df66fab38.gif[/img]