Bug fix and enhancement



[h1]Happy Qi Xi Festival![/h1] [b]Bug fix[/b] [olist] [*] Set mouse position and lock mouse rect offset incorretly in fullscreen mode when running on non 16:9 monitors. [*] Capture frame area (for saving and transitions) has black borders in fullscreen mode when running on non 16:9 monitors. [*] Phone scales incorrectly in fullscreen mode when running on non 16:9 monitors. [*] Sometimes switch fullscreen mode by hotkey (e.g. Ctrl+Enter&F11) dosen't work. [*] Lock mouse option has no effect in fullscreen mode. [*] Phone positons incorrectly in fullscreen mode. [*] Phone will display in lock mode at the top-left when start game in fullscreen mode. [*] In phone and mouse is not locked, using maximize button on window caption will not update phone display area. [*] Exit game in phone will save an incorrect temp save file (for continue from title screen). [*] Phone area is black in remote play. [/olist] [b]General enhancement[/b] [olist] [*] Update otf fonts to ttf. [*] Totally rewrite mouse lock, set mouse position, get window/client/frame rect, etc Win32 API logic. [/olist]